fastsailing: You sir, are a hero. Precisely the response I was after. And loads in there I wouldn't have guessed but makes total sense.
I was thinking flipping more than breaking. It was supposed to be more about righting moment and stability than things breaking. That isn't to...
Wow, thanks for all the replies! To start with the sail plan from Mr Efficiency: You are right in that the sailplan specifics are probably needed...
2 identical 50ft catamarans in shape and form (theoretical of course) One weighs 10000 kg One weighs 20000 kg Both have sufficient sail area up...
Not a cheap choice (but then when is a 64' powerboat cheap), here are some details on probably the leader in solar luxury catamarans: Does the...
I 100% agree with you. Keep it light, keep it long. That is the simple rule for this kind of vessel, but the youtube video has the front 40% of...
Thanks for taking the time to respond Ad Hoc. The inboards must have at least fit as they are in the video below. Perhaps the performance wasn't...
Hi all, This is my first post so be gentle. I am interested in what your thoughts are on this design: 'State of the Art' 12m Wavepiercer...