That is why I prefer the Maxsurf & Rhino solution. I know both softwares very well. Still money may force to shortcuts.
Guess the shortlist is Maat Hydro+, Wolfson or in the end Maxsurf for us... We need damaged stability, Loadcases and much more. Thanks for your...
Cher Marc, merci, bonne idee! Salutations, Franziska
Hi, I would be happy if someone could comment on my thread here:...
Hi, my employer wants to buy a naval architect package. I lean strongly towards the Maxsurf Suite, but find the new pricing strategy from...
Hi everybody, I need you're help to find the history of a boat, which a friend recently bought in the Caribbean. I try to find any info...
@Corley Interesting. Who drew your Carbon mast? How much was the person asking for it? Any other comments? Thanks, Franziska
Hi Hielan, yes, that would be cool. Thanks, Franzi
Hey, many thanks, great to see the initial concept! If anyone finds anything else, I am glad to read about it!
Dear Corley, I found that one already, but he did not reply (yet!) on mails and personal messages... He had the more vertical bows from start...
Hi, thank you for your thoughts. Guess the shape of the bows is a question of taste, some like the vertical ones some the angled ones....
She's got an orange roof.I do not want to post a link or picture just now and would be thankful if noone else does right now. More soon, hopefully!