PRM 80 Gearbox 2.04:1 ratio. This is a brand new item. Never installed/used. It is manufactured in England, has a cone clutch, forward, reverse,...
I considered the Hurth but found quite a few negative posts and wondered about their reliability. Further more they are 2 or 3x the price new of a...
Gonzo, I agree, 71C will suck up too much power. I see that can support up to 400 HP. Yes, I saw a few on ebay. The shipping cost is very high,...
Fred, I'm limited to the 10" by the hull design. The stern reaches out over the prop, and a rudder bracket runs underneath it. I'll be trailering...
I just don't understand why there aren't, or more likely, I can't find a small trany that would mate to a small sailboat engine. After all,...
The Borg Warner seemed like a good idea. The 71C series, 1017 model looked smaller than the others, but the BW site doesn't give clear specs. My...
Hi, I'm building a 19' motorsailer with an inboard engine. It is the Atkin design "Surprise"....
I am looking for a 10" dia., with a pitch of about 12. I can make adjustments to account for pitch variations, but want to keep pitch on the low side.
I am looking for a good, used inboard, three blade, RH 10" prop. Nothing useful has turned up on ebay or craigslist. Are there any good trading...
Hey, thanks for the reply. I guess I should have been more clear. I'm looking for info on electrical systems, not electric drives. As well as...
I'm building an Atkins design, "Surprise", a 19 foot motor-sailer with an inboard motor. The basic hull is done and turned right side up. I'm...