Falcon follows Junk Rig tenets I was struck by the similarity in form, shape, build and set of the Falcon's perfectly trimmed sails, and how...
Hear Hear!! She is wonderful, beautiful, superb. I wish I could see Maltese Falcon for real; to be aboard and sail her would be like a...
Hi Vega; there are a few in the gallery already, but I will try to get some on here. Cheers!
Hope springs eternal Hi Smoke on The Water: Hey, PAR is absolutely correct in many ways, but the heart often overules the head when boats are...
Vega is correct; this is an excellent association! A fact often overlooked with junks is their highly efficient rig. Another is the ease of...
Three sides to every story Sure , no problem Westlawn. A person who admits error is a wiser one afterwards. I should know, I make lots of...
Pirates? We eat 'em for breakfast! Not very fast......... Strange statement to hear! I assume you have not sailed one of these craft,...
Central issue Well, plenty of fishing boats have their donkers way in the bow, a bit daft when you have to take a big fat shaft way way way back...
Windows I wish we had access to the windows you do, any Idea of the thickness & or whether they are tempered / laminated ??. Just to give me an...
Fiji to NZ sounds magical to me. Lucky dude guy to have sailed that way. But seriously, dear designers; have mercy on sailors fair and...
I must agree about the space needed;it is a sacrifice. You have to decide is it worth the sacrifice. Last week I struggled with a (...
I reckon the ultimate sailboat is one which can go directly into the wind. Claims have been made that wind turbine powered vessels do just...
Swing a leadline.......100% reliable technology which helps find the rocks in thickest fog......1 or 2 knots more sensible, mind you.