Yeah, I was looking into a dinky motor like this one: Does...
Poor boy?
Yep! Finished! I'll make a thread showing it soon!
Hi Lewis, thanks for the reply, and I'll do what you suggested! Would you mind helping me with a couple more questions? When you say "flat...
Hi Lewis (is that your name? Sorry if it isn't), thanks for the feedback! I'm probably describing what I've done badly, and giving you a bad idea...
Hi, thank you for the response! I'm building the "DuckSkiff", which I think I've linked to in my previous posts if you can find them (there aren't...
Thank you very much for the response! That clears up a lot. The manual has some drawings, but doesn't show where the stringers go... It just...
The boat has been made almost entirely from a total of 4 4'x8' sheets of plywood, minus a lot of scrap obviously. The area of the raw sheets comes...
Hi everyone, sorry to bother you again but I'm unsure about a few issues and want to do things right! The plans I'm using mention a skeg but...
Hi, thanks for the reply! I am indeed building the "DuckSkiff". Right now I'm using a plastic scraper like this to apply the epoxy, which seems...
Hi all! I'm now at the stage where I'm about to stitch my boat together so I can fiberglass it. I ended up ordering this resin kit. It seems fine...
Hi, thank you for the response! The one I'm doing is from here, though the PDF of the plans no longer seems to exist there:...
Hi everyone! I'm still building the DuckSkiff. I've cut out all the pieces and joined the panels together using fiberglass butt joints, a la...