PAR I will miss you. Over the last 7 years I have read most all of PAR's posts and I really appreciate his help and advice when I was building...
The only way you can save money using propane is if you can fill your own tanks with gas that is bought for home heating as you are not paying...
This is not relevant to the OP's thread as he wants to run an outboard on LP so I don't think he will be running it below 32 degrees F. and...
LP is not a real problem in cold weather but the smaller the tank you use the less you can use out of it and the less you can flow from it. I've...
LP gas will give you about 90% of the power of gasoline. It is very simple to convert any small HP 4 cycle motor to run on propane. The main thing...
36" around? Do you mean 36" diameter or is this the circumference which would be about 11 and 1/2" diameter?
We haven't heard from Reid in a while. Probably because of the negative comments. Hopefully he will not be too discouraged and will start over...
Mississippi Flooding. Was hoping to have the Julie Ann back on the river but right now the river is still about 3 feet over the boat ramp but it's...
Your cooler displaces 2.509 cubic ft. of water fully submerged so this is 156.56 lbs of water since according to your calculations it will weigh...
I usually try to encourage people building boats without plans and little knowledge of boat building. But I hate to say it what you have there...
Another Summer on the Mississippi over. Was on the river a lot this Summer we had two flash floods that went through the campground this year and...
Mathew changing your thread to another location will not help. It's been explained to you why it won't work by a lot of people with much more...
Getting ready for another Summer on the Mississippi. Pulled the boat out and fired up the Merc it seemed to run OK. I installed a marine amp for...
If you watch the video of the monster truck with the 4 big tires it should show you exactly why this won't work. I'm pretty sure that the guy that...
I'm glad to see you are proceeding with an actual model. What scale will it be? No matter what the results are it will definitely be interesting....