Thanks for all the info and thought put into my problem. Unfortunately the only photos I have are of the original tunnel prior to reconfiguration....
Sorry it has taken awhile to get you a clearer image of the tunnel but here are some pix of the original tunnel. The framing stations are 19...
Yellowjacket, Don't I hate to be wrong - usually! In this case, I'm extremely happy to hear that I was (and the gentleman in question would...
Thanks Steve, I should have tried the prop square before whittling away at the diameter. But when I went from 22x26 to 22x24, I only gained...
Thanks for your reply, Baeckmo. The boat is overboard now and I'll have to pick up the drawings from work to get accurate answers on the tunnel...
I´m looking for advice concerning the effect of close clearance tunnels on gear ratio and wheel selection. I was very dissatified with the...