What is the software for calculation? Is possible Freeship plus? I hope to know the method for calculation.
Freeship plus website is changed. I can't find website for Freeship. How to access to original Freeship plus website? No way! Website closed?
Thanks a lot.
I want high speed craft Databases. speed, Hp, Length, Depth, Breadth, draft.... Internet site for seach is also good. help~~~~
Freeship User Please select a continent to which it belongs. 1. Europe 2. North America 3. South America 4. Oceania 5. Africa 6. Asia
I want 'pdstrip' example input file. I have 'pdstrip rev.27'. I don't know what is wrong. but the result is only 'sectionresults'(for geometry)....
If you know freeship program, you know also that there are many methods for calculating resistance as follows; * Delft yacht series or...
oh my god! Leo, you made 'Michlet'. It is an honour.
Mr. Leo. Very Very Thanks a lot.