gonzo i was a teenager and knew everything , a wonderful time to live. Medics are still testing bone and don't understand its fracturing ,...
But it seems you agree it may not be a boomerang. I just get cranky when experts talk rubbish and tell lies against their own facts . There was...
Here is some background to Indonesia : "The earliest evidence of the presence of Bajo in Sulawesi is the mention of a people called Bajo Sereng...
A bow wave is caused by compression which exists in cutting wood and bone . The bulk modulus of bone is about 6 times sea water and .09 steel ....
Hi If you know Physics of drag resistance , have time to waste and don't use the " I'm no expert" cop-out , then please read on. This q. has...
Catalyst: Toorale Man murder mystery - ABC TV Science www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4211835.htm .... on Toorale Man appear similar to those on...
Mr Efficiency and Alan Sounds like the Mod is knocking on the door , hows about we move to Community and keep the ship tidy? I'll keep gabbling...
TANSL Someone noticed that flint cuts. A sword strike is not just Momentum of instant force , it's cutting and a cut distance at speed takes time...
TANSL My comments have been about approximate values. There is data about the tool-angle of chisels and the vectors of splitting and compressing...
Hullo Mr Mod I've banged my head silly on all possible forums and impossible academics , pathologists, various Museums and so on. No-one knows...
The death of Kaakutja: A case of peri-mortem weapon ... - ResearchGate ResearchGate - Share and discover research...
https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/10/15/science/15TB-boomerang2/15TB-boomerang2-master675.jpg Experts say a mulga-wood blade did it. These are...
My purpose is to find resistance to a blade or chisel on human skull at different angles ( it's about 40% liquid marrow on the skull ) and wood...
So it's about .35 , .65 and 1. Does that describe the compression ratios on the panel such that solid wood at those angles would compress at the...
Being an amateur I waded through lots of equations trying to find a simple one : A square panel in water is vertical and at 20degrees to the...