[MEDIA] Yeah, that could have gone better, but still, I'm happy :D
It's sitting there in the driveway, basically ready to go, but this month has been downright crazy. We did try once, but the cabin, which was not...
So asininely long, or a SWATH?
Being at the tail end of the process, I'm going to disagree with everyone here (as usual) I would say a rebuild can work in specific...
I have never paddled a kayak that had a lot of rudder authority. Mostly the rudder is good for slight course corrections to maintain a heading...
Sadly, no. The original boat had no transverse bulkheads and adding one forward would be extremely tricky given how the foredeck is built. The...
Big day today! We fired up the motor for the first time since it was rebuilt and damn is that thing loud! Like, needing hearing protection...
This is also known as the "Cumulative goatfcuk factor". All errors will compound towards the end and whatever you do last will be the most...
Never measure when you can gauge. If you are wondering if you used enough caulk, you have not used enough caulk. A surprising number of...
I have a large block of foam (Approximately 2 ft cubed) under the dash and the spaces along the gunwales will also be filled with foam. I would...
Haven't been posting as much now that the major structural work is done. None the less, work is continuing and I am tantalizingly close to...
This weekend in our shop... [MEDIA]
I like some of the design elements, but I wouldn't build one. This is a first boat for my primary partner and so it will be a solo boat and a...