Yes, AMC has more marine subjects, earlier. Uni is about teaching fundamental, underpinning knowledge as well as preparing graduates for first...
try have you gone through all the formsys...
I agree with Rob, it was better to have lecturers more available. Having been accepted into UNSW, I choose to complete Years 1 & 2 and the local...
Is there a reason you aren't using moulded lines? Maxsurf can add the skin thickness in your volume/stability calculations.
you can create a surface to, and see where they intersect each other. bond them, trim them, etc
yes, polyester is the problem as I recall
BoatGuy is spot on. a lot of packages can do integration. It is the criteria files that is where the real time savings come in. Nobody wants to do...
I've approved one for 6 ft waves, but 10 foot, no way without a liferaft! Keels, whole show is designed to be highly stresses and heeled in...
Without knowing the size, it is nigh on impossible to comment. For smaller boats LR SSC really penalises with its impact skin thickness minimums....
why don't you model tunnel as cylinder and trim. there is on online tutorial specifically for thruster tunnels, if I recall
Not sure why you think you need a Masters. It may be hard to land a good first job with bad grades on your transcript, but keep trying. Not sure...
Dear Bakunsoy I hope you get a wider voice of opinion than just on here. Have you tried LinkedIn? A few things to remember. It is much...