Thanks, that personally means a lot coming from you! Think it has a market? Should I try Kickstarter? It could reasonably be offered for around...
Thanks to the useful information and inspiration on this site. Without it, whatever I built (She needs a name! TriTrek?) would not have been...
Clipper's first voyage World's first modular trimaran, made with Expandacraft hulls and Walker Bay sail. More of a proof of concept than...
beach time elapse BtDFiPXNDJM
to make quick turns in a 20ft slender trimaran could a fore and aft rudder be practical?
Expandacraft Trimaran update [IMG]
The white risers fit into a 1/2 in. square resess already in the product, with a spacer running through a 2" hole also already in the product and...
[IMG]This product is great for project boats and highly versatile. Cat's, tri's, kay's, and row.
Expandacraft You could get these parts and do both?
Expandacraft Trimaran [IMG] parts weigh less than 10 lbs each, more info at