BlueBell I am not, I am just playing with idea of the wooden boat. Nothing more...
Hi everyone, I have a question for those who own or work with wooden boats. I don't currently own a wooden sailboat, but I've been in love with...
Yes, you're right; I get the feeling that Rumars knows exactly what he's talking about. I've been tapping around some critical spots, like the...
Thanks for the tip on the stanchions; I will definitely follow your advice! Should I remove the toerail all at once, or is it better to work in...
Thank you for your feedback. I'll aim to provide more detailed observations. Regarding the toerail, it appears to be bare wood without any...
Yes, that’s correct. The hull is fiberglass with a sandwich construction using Airex foam, and the deck is built as follows: laminated deck beams,...
Hello, I am trying to identify the type of deck-to-hull joint on this boat, as I need to carry out extensive renovations. The previous owners...