I was afraid of that. What would be a better fit? Like a 25? I agree on the work skiff, I saw it was drawn up with a console and have seen...
I’m looking to build a trailerable fishing/crabbing plywood skiff for protected waters. I’m looking in the 18-22’ range and of a traditional...
What about centering the cabin? That would still give me 6' on either side of it which would still be workable for me and still give me a casting...
20' in length, 8'6" beam scow Purpose: A mobile fishing camp/fishing platform/house boat. Unlike a true shanty boat that rarely moves or is used...
Any guidance is welcome but what exactly is a SOR and its forms?
Thanks for the replies, Well I can't say I'm shocked to hear that there's some issues with the idea. I drew up a rough sketch to try and help you...
So I need some guidance here on what may be a misguided idea. To help you to understand this better I'll show you my three sources of inspiration....
Another angle
Pretty cool little boat I stumbled upon while browsing the DuckWorks page as I do from time to time. Just curious how those in "the know" feel she...
Alright I'll draw something up a little more passable than my last sketch on this thread.
I like the way you think man! Good points earlier in the quote too. Cheers! Thats a nice bit of hardware in the attachment good to know that is...
I guess what I am wondering is with all things considered with the junk rig, what would need to be done to make it work on the centerline of a cat?