This more or less what I want to achieve. Hidden in the stair box or step will be the outboard motor. That box or step I will make pretty, with...
The owner of this Albin 25 bought the boat with this hull extension. The one who did it followed the lines of the boat thus my guess is that he...
The Yes, I checked the 14 knot Albin is exactly the same hull as mine. Later models, the semi-displacement ones, or "Deluxe" were able to hit 10...
These are my original questions: " 1) Will I be able to hit say 10 to 12 knots with this setup? 2) Will the extra 25hp of the outboard plus the...
Thank you all for the opinions! Answering some of the posts: I already went thru 3 different propellers with basically zero gain in speed. The...
I am not interested in braking any world speed record, just want to add a couple of extra knots when I need them. And like I said before the added...
Here is another Albin 25 going faster than hull speed. This one is a bit extreme, it has a Ford V8, but it is fast!!! Albin Cruisers 25 & 27...
This is the same Albin 25 I mentioned; Flying Albin, Who Cares | By Bart En Cindy | Facebook
This person is doing 14 knots in a 1970 Albin 25 with a 60hp engine, same hull design as mine but minus the hull extension I intend to do. Albin...
Thanks for the reply and advice! When you say; "it wont go much faster", the question is how much? I know is not going to be a lot for the money...
Hello to all and happy holidays! Just like the topic says I am about to convert my 1972 Albin 25' displacement hull trawler from a single diesel...