"LubeOil is the cheapest Insurance Money can buy" said by an old Diesel Mechanic with 60 years of practical experience in operation and...
Well that is NOT entirely true. No FCC License is required, IF the vessel is a non-Commercial Vessel, HOWEVER, if it is a commercial Vessel then a...
Not just the commercial Fishing Industry.... but just about every vessel over 100 Tons....
Every US Flagged, SOLAS Required Ship uses AIS... and it is for Shipping, what Transponders are to Aircraft....
just remember that part of the reason for more fuel to the Injectors than required to supply the running horsepower is, to cool the Injector Tips...
The Fishton Post just before yours shows the kind of resolution that very High Ultrasonic frequencies (400+ Khz) can produce in shallow waters....
Actually, CDK, You have that backwards. Higher Frequency= Shorter WaveLength, Higher Resolution, Tighter Beam Cone, Less Depth.... Lower...
Just a NOTE, here.... When deciding on where to place a Sounder Transducer, the critical factor in non-commercial type rigs is to get it in "Clear...
I have a COMPLETE Set of USA version Proms for SEA222, 322, 330, 225, 325, MF/HF Radios, over in the shop. Just say'en....
Try entering a string of 8's, then enter... This should put the radio into Factory Test Mode.... Once in Test Mode, you should be able to enter...
Well actually Microwave are very similar to light and radio waves. All three are Electromagnetic Radiation, just of different wavelengths. They...
One of the biggest mistakes made in Bridge Design, is to group the Radios in one place, especially when more than one VHF Radio is required for...
Up here in Alaska, we use those things that they make highway dividers out of... "Ecology Blocks" 2500 Lbs Concrete & ReBar. When you go to place,...
Really depends on what powers you vessel thru the water. If Wind Power, then Propane is your friend, If your vessel has an ICE, for power, use the...
I am wondering why you choose to use relays, as your Motor Drive element, instead of an H Bridge of Power MosFets. Just wondering?