I had the hull number wrong in the original post, just checked the plaque (it's sitting next to my computer) and ours is 239. Would still be cool...
It doesn't make sense to pay someone that much to build the boat, but it also wouldn't make sense to charge less to build it. Hence very few...
Guess the market is different up there, they seem to be $200-$400 for good condition ones here, or often even free if its sitting in someones...
Unless you are looking for a project, it would likely be cheaper and a lot easier to find something in better shape. Canoes aren't worth much...
Doesn't seem that light, an Olson 25 (for example) sailboat only weighs 2900 lbs, and half of that is lead.
Mountain biker here, Don't think any of us would enclose the drive train, extra weight, would trap dirt and you need to get in there every...
Not much reason to combine a soft fabric and a hard one like fiberglass, either go all glass or stick with heavy duty fabric. The difference in...
Even abrasion would not be a too big a deal with 26 oz. I have a Baidarka using the 15 oz and it is amazingly tough.
Don't overthink this, bodge together whatever is easiest and go have some fun. It won't sail great no matter what, but that's OK, it will still...
Thanks, never read that book. Just ordered a copy.
Interesting to think that Gypsy Moth was one of the very first boats designed with long distance single handed sailing as its purpose. Would have...
Read the book, Chichester was not happy with the boat. I think the owner/skipper not liking the boat and it needing extensive modifications is...
You would be interested in George Dyson and his baidarkas. Check out the book "starship and the canoe" by Kenneth brower and "baidarka" by Dyson.
I think the basic point is being missed, does a submarine actually have less drag than a foiling boat? Seems very unlikely to me but I know very...
Your ideas of the ideal boat may change after you spend time sailing. Buy something cheap now and go sailing, it's a lot more fun than dreaming...