Hey, I am doing my first control and desighn project, I have specific question about the sailwhinch arduino from hobbeyking for example,...
can you advice me what type (not ratio) of Tamiya gearset will fit to this motor:...
hey, last stage of choosing motor and prop, still question left. short explanation of what I did: relying on graphs of Wageningen Series I got...
Hey I managed to get results, but now where I can choose the right motor and propeller for me? motor power:70-100 watt / 1500 rpm propeller:...
just doing some chart with your info,I know its was while ago, but two questions: 1.6.4*0.76 gives you the thrust (m/s*/kg/s=newton)? 2. its...
Yes I understand, just stuck in the choosing process, I have some thrust, speed I need to generate, and diameter assamption, but don't know how...
Hey, thanks for all your help understanding the basics, I took time to learn abit too and I have some basic plan of things I need to do to make...
Hey thanks for the response Bandit. I have two followup questions: 1.Do you get some efficiancy number from manufacter of the propeller, or is...
hey, thanks for replys. We decided that the boat hull shape will be simple v shape and not catamaran. I am in the pair that doing the propeller...
hello guys, I am student in fourth year of mechanical engeneering from the middle-east. I am part of small team in project of desighining...