I have for sale a full set of plans, unused, for the Sea Clipper 24 MC, plus plans for a trailer for a Sea Clipper 20. The trailer could be easily...
Thanks Mates After reading this thread I will most definitely NOT be building my next boat in either Steel, Wood or Alloy! I'll buy the beaut 50...
Nicols Cavalier MK II G'day Alex, Thanks for your offer mate, I sent you a PM. Cheers, Bill Corio
Not being an expert in boat building I was wondering, what are the pro's and con's of building, owning and maintaining a boat built in Foam...
Thanks mate Thanks for the clarification mate. Nice Tri to be sure, are they suitable for one old bod and his dog living aboard full time,...
Nicols Cavalier MK II If this Tri' is NOT a Nicols Cavalier MK II, then what do you think it is and how old do you think it is :confused: Bill...
Cruisers Yes mate, she's a real beaut IMHO. I've had my eye on her for a few months, got to thinking she was just to much boat for one man and...
G'day Steve, I too think she's a beaut, I'm also thinking of placing an offer for her once the new owner of my/his boat comes Sunday and picks...
flying bridge G'day mate, I too think she's a beaut :) Apparently the owner always had professional boat builders and yards do any work...
G'day mates, I was surfing the net looking at timber boats for sale when I came upon this old girl She's a beaut but I think the owner has...
That is a real nice FC yacht you have Andy, had the FC yacht I looked at in Sydney looked even a little like yours, I would have bought her in a...
That's what I plan to do Johny but if this rain don't stop soon, I won't have to take the C22 to the water...The water will come to the C22 :)...