Just to close out this thread. Managed to show it to a master laminator for a very well respected local boat building company and he confirmed it...
The 2k base coat and clearcoat were shot all in one session as per the datasheet just with the required flash of times. I was in the booth at the...
I will test the hardness at the weekend but this is only affecting some sections of 2 panels other 2 other panels are totally understand affected....
Yes looking at the online images they are bad sorry. You will not be able to see any CSM as it was not used only rovings. The diamond pattern...
Ok was harder to photograph than expected to much reflection. This is what I can feel in certain areas in others it is visible and else where...
The paint job was semi professional. Gel coat was sanded and all imperfections filled then 2 coats of epoxy primer was applied left to cure 14days...
But why would I be getting shrinkage now 15+ years after the panels were made?
Hello et All Would like some guidance on what caused print through and can it be fixed. So I have some very light layup GRP panels, I am assuming...
Hello et-all My rudder has failed the tangs have sheared from the shaft as I have the opportunity should I try and redesign the rudder to...