In that video, starting at 44 sec., you see how Falcon catamaran does it. [MEDIA]
An aluminum beam with the same dimensions (height, width and thickness) as your steel beam will deflect 3 times more under the same load. If you...
The best way I can see would be using a hot wire with a guide on each side of the sheet. The sheet would have to be backed by a plywood sheet to...
You can heat the core to make it conform to the curvature. If the core is of the plastic kind.
Thanks every one for the help. I was hoping thast just filling the hole would be sufficient and from your comments that's what I will do. AB
I understand what you are talking about but it's not the case here. The location of the hole would leave only 6 inches of board protruding under...
Thanks PAR. I was hoping that it would be that simple. AB
Hi all, I have bought a beach catamaran that had a daggerboard in which a 5/16 hole has been drilled. The board protrude about 39 inches under...
If you spray PVA (polyvinyl alcool) over the tacky polyester it should fully cure. After it's cured, clean with water.
I would say it depends on how it is loaded. To illustrate that, imagine the vertical portion is fixed and the load induce a upward bending on the...
On the hull after a repair. I have applied it with a roll and it went fine. Lot of sanding but otherwise it has been ok.
Hi, I have read that if gelcoat is applied with a roll it will be porous. Will the porosity be through the whole thickness or just to the...
Par, The size of the dents are specified in my 2 post. Mr Efficiency, the core seems to be divinicel. The boat is a Nacra Inter 18. Maybe some...