I do not know if I can post this thread here but I could not find an answer anywhere In the following report...
thx NavalSArtichoke, yes you are right it is the displacement. I calculated the DWT and it is about 54000 tonnes. Unfortunately I do not have...
I have a Panamax Tanker has the following parameters: L= 202.5 B=32.25 T=12.18 CB=0.8254 so, DWT=67300 tonnes I am wondering how to...
many thanks all for your useful replies, and sorry for late reply. Alaa
Hi, I am working on a project to optimize a tanker ship for both the laden journey and the ballast leg (return journey). My ship design...
Thanks for answering, In fact I do not have the original paper for Watson. I have the Practical Ship Design. Can u please send the paper? I am...
Thanks kruklindete & TANSL, I forgot to mention that I just have the main parameters of my ship. I do not have any details about the weights. So...
Hi all, I am trying to calculate the Lightship of my Panamax Tanker. I've got confused with which methods I should use. I tried with Watson...
Thx Olav, sure I can wait. Alaa