Our Oceans are Under Attack

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by brian eiland, May 19, 2009.

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  1. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Have you heard of Shaoling Kung Fu who are strict vegetarians to show a fraction example of evidence of strong and healthy.
    Shaolin Kid Power

    I have attached a link of my 4 year old son who is vegetarian from birth that is in excellent health, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS9RwwPI_IA You can hear my new born sons crying voice in the back ground at the start who is also very healthy.
  2. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Cute kid.
    My children are grown and my grandkids are teens.
    Fond memories of when all were little tykes.

    Everybody chooses for themselves, what to eat from their available options.
  3. ImaginaryNumber
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  5. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Imaginarynumber thinks wildlife suitable to eat, will just walk up to his home, and present themselves.
    They like being photographed, and won't notice him swapping camera for firearm.
    And posted these photos as evidence of wildlife's acceptance of his benign presense.

    As soon as he kills something, game will become wary of his house.
    But, even if they still came, how frequently? Often enough?
    How long do you sit and wait for game to come to you?
    When you are getting weaker daily from starvation, you'd better be a bit more pro-active.
    It's more productive to find the game's home and await him there.
    Called "STILL" hunting as opposed to stalking.
    Have to be good at scouting, to discover where game goes and what time of day they habitually arrive.
    And get there first, concealed and scent masked.
    Animals have large homes called territory, and they wander from resource to resource as if moving from room to room.
    Animals are creatures of habit, so a little expert study discovers their daily routine. Hunter skills.
    You could starve to death waiting for game to walk up to your door to have their photo taken, via rifle.
  6. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    I posted those photos as a response to your challenge to provide close-up photos of wildlife not in public parks. Had I wanted to take the time to dig through old computer files I could also have posted photos of moose, mink, fox and porcupine, etc.

    The deer had been coming down that same route for a few days to get to an apple orchard to eat the drops. As soon as the apples were gone they quit coming.

    Of course, for every animal that I've photographed I've seen hundreds that I didn't get a photo of.

    While I am not a hunter a number of my nearest neighbors (some of which are relatives) are active hunters. They've shot deer and bear from their front porches -- but only out-of-season on animals that are raiding their apple orchard or blueberry patch. And yes, they immediately called the game warden to verify a legitimate kill.

    But you are correct; if the animals knew they were being hunted they would be much more wary. My relatives don't always get a deer during deer season, even though there they are good trackers and good shots.

    However, my main point is still valid. Wildlife populations are more-or-less in balance in a particular area. Game managers modify the length of the hunting season, or adjust the number of permits for females, etc, to manage a particular game species. If commercial food shortages suddenly happened all of my casual, but competent, hunting friends would become intense out-of-season poachers -- as would all the less-competent but also very hungry hunters. I might even try to figure out which end of the gun to hold.* :( In very short order there would be NO game to be had, anywhere, for anyone, for many years to come. In other words, hunting game for the table year-round will only work in sparsely populated (or at least sparsely hunted), but otherwise fertile, regions. You are dreaming if you think your hunting skills will keep you in food for more than a few extra weeks, if a nation-wide shortage of food occurs.

    So getting back to the main point of this thread: we humans are very rapacious, and are completely dominating the world. If we don't learn to manage ourselves we will eat (and pollute) ourselves out of house and home. If we are as dumb as the rest of the animal kingdom, that is exactly what I expect we will do. But maybe, if we use our heads, we can figure out a way to limit our natural inclinations to consume as much as we can, and reach some sort of balance with the natural world. But given how hard it's been to convince you, and a number of others on this thread, of the enormous damage we humans are causing to the world, I am not very hopeful that we humans will indeed self-limit ourselves in time to save ourselves from major, self-inflicted wounds.

    *If I had to hunt in earnest or face starvation I would set up snares rather than hunt with a rifle. It is quiet and very low-tech; don't need to learn how to make gunpowder from charcoal and saltpetre, or cast your own bullets from tire weights. And it requires much less energy than stalking a deer for days on end; just check your snares every day or two. You could buy hundreds of snares for the cost of buying one rifle plus associated equipment. It is also illegal, but we are talking survival, not law.
  7. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    I think you mean the Aral Sea, not the Astral Sea. :)

    Most humans are hard-wired to value short-term gain over long-term sustainability. Capitalists or Communists, it doesn't matter. As a governmental philosophy I think that Socialism attempts to balance the needs of the whole group over the desires of the individual. (but I will be happy to be corrected by those more knowledgeable) But I agree that getting the system to work is difficult. I was just arguing against your characterization that ALL socialistic systems were TOTAL failures. Clearly, they are not. In fact people who live under a combination capitalistic/socialistic system (Scandinavian countries) appear to be happier than those who live under a purely capitalistic system (USA).

  8. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    I have no doubt we (worldwide man) are polluting and diminishing resources and over breeding.
    There aren't any fixes or potential agreements I can see, because we are talking about people, and there's always some who want it their way or nothing. They have "a pen and a phone" attitudes, or "our turn" attitudes, or "sacrifice you for the common good" attitudes.

    I have a different attitude.
    Lead don't push!
    The USA is in the best position to straighten up our own mess, and set an example.
    If we halt immigration, our population promptly stabilizes, since we AREN"T over breeding.
    Recently developed technology for clean burning of coal and plenty of it, and plenty of natural gas, means no energy desperation.
    We can concentrate on other priorities like cleaning up the ocean.
    Anti-litter laws cleaned up our highways dramatically, but not perfectly.
    I'm not going to dictate priorities, but we can control commercial fishing within US waters.
    Close those grounds to foreign fleets just as we also need to close our borders to immigration. Limit and restrict our own commercial fisherman.
    Other similar selfish policies.

    The idea it's impossible to be an island of sanity in a maddened world is a myth.
    We can and SHOULD pursue self interest and some isolationism. To thy own self first be true!
    Everybody practices self interest. Though they complain if we/you do.

    Fix OUR problems, then we can perhaps help the rest of the world.

    Stop thinking we are the world's policeman and sugardaddy!

    Remove the 4x4 timber from your own eye first before attempting to pick the speck from my eye. (paraphrasing)

    We will find allies and emulators.

    Clean our own house and surrounds before worrying about the neighbors yard.

    We can still discuss and negotiate with other countries, but it's a mistake to be dragged down by them.

    Close our waters and borders. First item of business! We have the power to enforce it.
    Only lacking the will!
    afterwards, we can decide what's second priority.

    Probably repeal the Federal Reserve and print our own inflationary fiat money.
    Why should a foreign bank print our money from just paper and ink, and then loan it to us at interest, when it's only value is what it robs from inflating money already in circulation?

    international companies that shipped American jobs overseas to cheap labor/low restrictions countries, I suggest a surprise.
    Hefty prohibitive import duties. Our balance of trade is in the toilet anyway. they can't retaliate.
    So, restore self sufficiency. Make it here!
    That creates jobs and fixes our economy.

    Isolationism is the answer.
    We need to be an island of sanity. So other islands of sanity will follow our lead.
    The movement toward one world government and society is error and dysfunctional.
    Sink or swim together guarantees we all sink.
    Save ourselves because we can swim, then maybe we'll be in a position to throw a lifeline/ringbuoy to others.
    Otherwise, the non-swimmers will climb on top our head attempting to save themselves, and drown all of us.
  9. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    So move there.
    Purely capitalistic? That's not the uniqueness of the USA. Individualist is.
    Leave the only Individualistic Rights country intact as a contrast to the rest of the world.
    Collectivists have many options of countries where to live.
    Individualists only have the USA. We intend to keep it!
    When individual rights are the priority, the group benefits, being assembled of individuals.
    When the group/common good (state) is the priority, individuals get abused, and that's bad for the group, as it's assembled from individuals.
    Our constitution is an individualist principled document.
    No matter how you change it, short of rewriting it, you can't eliminate it's founding principles.
    It's been IGNORED for quite awhile, but that practice MUST change and US restored to constitutional government!
    Tear it up, and the 50 states would never agree to re-unionize, or together re-ratify a new constitution.
    Too much cross purposes and differences in philosophy.
    You would only destroy the USA.
    or die trying.
  10. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    No, instead I think I will stay and try and get a more inclusive socialistic medical system going here in the USA, like most of the advanced countries of the world have.

    Oops! Looks like Obama already beat me to it. :D

    I'll bet that even if the Republicans take over both Houses of Congress next week they won't repeal Obamacare. Too many Republican constituents now have Obamacare and appreciate its benefits. :p

    Do I understand that you are getting treatment for your wife in Mexico rather than in the US? Wonder why? Maybe it is because the socialized medicine in Mexico is much, much cheaper than in the US. DING!

    Looks like you are part of a dying breed, my friend. Maybe we will stuff you and put you in a museum to remind us of the backwards mentality that some of our forefathers had.

    (Hope your wife is doing better)
  11. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    The socialized medicine in Mexico entitles not you or me, but a citizen, to a bed in an 8 person/bed un-airconditioned room with 2 nurses for 4 wards, totaling 32 patients.

    Medical care and surgery in Mexico is cheaper because the hospitals and doctors don't carry ultra expensive medical malpractice insurance and lower living costs and lower wages and lower doctor fees.
    and because additional private medical insurance is a customer benefit option sold inexpensively by banks.
    With the extra insurance you get a private airconditioned hospital room and more nurses in attendance in the RICO's area. Or, if you are rich, you just pay cash.
    Private hospital room with airconditioning and nurses is $50 per day.
    Most laborers, store clerks, cooks, barmen, ect earn $10 per day and work 6 days a week..
    Why are so many trying to sneak across the border into the USA when they have such wonderful social benefits in Mexico?

    A lawsuit in Mexico may get you a few thousand dollars. Million dollar awards? Unthinkable. Impossible.
  12. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Collectivism (state all important) isn't new or advanced, my deluded friend.
    It's been the norm since Nimrod or earlier.
    Individualism is still the newest kid on the block, brought to you by the Age of Enlightenment!.
    Marxism was/is just repackaged collectivism.

    Gotta go!
  13. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    As the (French) Three Musketeers said, "Tous pour un, un pour tous."

    And as the (Latin) Swiss motto says, "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno."
  14. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    uhe 100% answer to saving the oceans from been under attack is to simply leave the ocean alone and stop killing its life species to satisfy inconsiderate greedy taste buds.
    The crazy part is there is no sacrifice in food, as vegetarian foods have meat alternatives that taste more or less the same, most actually better as myself are not a great vegetable eater nor fruit in that matter but I do not need meat to for full my healthy diet needs.
    To further save the oceans from under attack is to stop eating livestock that polute the water ways with waste flowing into the oceans, the benefits are also health and less chance of diseases.
    The conscience free diet can help starvation with every person on earth will have plenty to eat.
    Wars would stop in its tracks as when killing animals is halted, considerations for life are expanded to each other as its said how we treat animals, humans treated each other, not only the oceans are saved, starving women and children are saved, wars are of no use because people start using conscience and consideration to solve peace and harmony and we all live longer free up hospitals and tax payers money and most of all out children have a future in paradise.
    Consideration will expand that is a powerful energy that will create peace and love which then humans can start looking at problems such as over population and consider ways to balance the numbers by being thoughtful then we would ban all nuclear weapons, as there would be no use for such destruction which is our biggest threat to our own existence, that could happen any day and will someday soon if humans keep slaughtering not only oceans, animals but each other.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014

  15. ImaginaryNumber
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