The Climate Change Hoax

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by gonzo, Nov 29, 2009.

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  1. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Global Warming isn't real, Global Warming isn't real, Global Warming isn't real, There now I'd feel much better if I could only ignore those dam increasing levels of carbon dioxide.
  2. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Fish availability in the Pacific Ocean soon . . 0. . . due to increased C based compounds and overfishing and climate change....
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member


    "We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    In accents most forlorn,
    Outside the church, ere Mass began,
    One frosty Sunday morn.
    The congregation stood about,
    Coat-collars to the ears,
    And talked of stock, and crops, and drought,
    As it had done for years.
    "It's lookin' crook," said Daniel Croke;
    "Bedad, it's cruke, me lad,
    For never since the banks went broke
    Has seasons been so bad."
    "It's dry, all right," said young O'Neil,
    With which astute remark
    He squatted down upon his heel
    And chewed a piece of bark.
    And so around the chorus ran
    "It's keepin' dry, no doubt."
    "We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    "Before the year is out.
    "The crops are done; ye'll have your work
    To save one bag of grain;
    From here way out to Back-o'-Bourke
    They're singin' out for rain.
    "They're singin' out for rain," he said,
    "And all the tanks are dry."
    The congregation scratched its head,
    And gazed around the sky.
    "There won't be grass, in any case,
    Enough to feed an ***;
    There's not a blade on Casey's place
    As I came down to Mass."
    "If rain don't come this month," said Dan,
    And cleared his throat to speak--
    "We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    "If rain don't come this week."
    A heavy silence seemed to steal
    On all at this remark;
    And each man squatted on his heel,
    And chewed a piece of bark.
    "We want a inch of rain, we do,"
    O'Neil observed at last;
    But Croke "maintained" we wanted two
    To put the danger past.
    "If we don't get three inches, man,
    Or four to break this drought,
    We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    "Before the year is out."
    In God's good time down came the rain;
    And all the afternoon
    On iron roof and window-pane
    It drummed a homely tune.
    And through the night it pattered still,
    And lightsome, gladsome elves
    On dripping spout and window-sill
    Kept talking to themselves.
    It pelted, pelted all day long,
    A-singing at its work,
    Till every heart took up the song
    Way out to Back-o'Bourke.
    And every creek a banker ran,
    And dams filled overtop;
    "We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    "If this rain doesn't stop."
    And stop it did, in God's good time;
    And spring came in to fold
    A mantle o'er the hills sublime
    Of green and pink and gold.
    And days went by on dancing feet,
    With harvest-hopes immense,
    And laughing eyes beheld the wheat
    Nid-nodding o'er the fence.
    And, oh, the smiles on every face,
    As happy lad and lass
    Through grass knee-deep on Casey's place
    Went riding down to Mass.
    While round the church in clothes genteel
    Discoursed the men of mark,
    And each man squatted on his heel,
    And chewed his piece of bark.
    "There'll be bush-fires for sure, me man,
    There will, without a doubt;
    We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
    "Before the year is out."
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  4. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    August 08. 2013 9:49PM

    John Stossel: Myths about global warming prove costly

    "Global average temperature has been flat for a decade. But frightening myths about global warming continue."

    "When government screws up, we're supposed to say, "They meant well." When individuals pursuing their own interests screw up, we're supposed to feel ashamed of industrial civilization and let government punish and control us all. If we let it do that, government will do to the economy what it did to Giggles."

    "Government is the institution that puts itself in charge of caring for wildlife, but recently sent a dozen armed agents into a Wisconsin animal shelter to seize and kill a baby deer named Giggles who was being nursed back to health there, since Giggles wasn't in the right type of approved shelter."
  5. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    And it was warming for the previous 500 years ....

    Which released A LOT of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  6. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

  7. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    We're looking forward to when you acquire some common sense too. :)

    We had a fruitful discussion regarding Peter Ferrara here. He's not anyone I'd want to hitch my wagon to.
  8. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Fox News found to be a major driving force behind global warming denial | THE GUARDIAN
  9. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    And of course we all know that the Guardian NEVER has a political slant on anything hey publish either, including this report. which has nothing to do with science, nor indicates anything either way about if humans are causing global warming or not.
  10. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    If you keep trying to drag Lysenko into the discussion, you're not going to be known for having any kind of smarts.... ;)

    Lysenkoism is the belief that acquired characteristics can be inherited. What that has to do with climate change is beyond me.....

    Denier, on the other hand, is a legitimate term - and a denier isn't a skeptic. A skeptic is someone who says, "I'm not convinced." Deniers on the other hand (who like to hide behind the term skeptic), say "my mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts."

    Most arguments against climate change in this thread (and all the others) have been refuted time after time after time, but deniers simply keep them in the rotation and bring them up repeatedly anyway.

    The most pathetic argument is that it's all a deliberate hoax. For that to be true, so many people would have to be in on the conspiracy that hardly anyone would be left to conspire against....:rolleyes:
  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Not really. A hoax can be started by a really small group. For example, the group of English professors that started the Global Warming claim and then claimed to have destroyed all the significant data. As it became a political issue, science ceased to be important. There are no funds allocated to prove that Global Warming does not exist, therefore, there are no significant studies being made.
  12. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Troy. You didn't read the Lysenko article did you?
    And Imaginary Number. Regardless who wrote the article, Lysenko and his theory existed, and the USSR adopted it with "the science is settled" and "the consensus is" and "peer reviewed" and "politically incorrect" to have a different point of view! That is the similarity of Lysenkoism and the AGW climate change crowd.

    Also, AGWers all seem to be on the left. Like watermelons.
    Green outside and red inside! :)
    Politically incorrect was a phrase Lenin created. (the soviet leader)
    Why have the democrats latched on to it as their war cry? hmm?

    And ANY science divided along political lines, is VERY suspicious it's political, not science.

    So! I won't let the AGWers, if I can stop it, from changing things to suit THEIR point of view.

    I have tradition on myside.

    And "It IS, what it IS!"

    and "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

    So until you can PROVE carbon dioxide, the miniscule manmade part, is causing catastrophic change, then I'm SKEPTICAL of the MOTIVES of those trying to grab political power with AGW as an excuse!
  13. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Gonzo, someone might have been able to bs the politicians for a while. But there's no way they could bs the entire scientific community for decades. And even if they could, it wouldn't explain the overwhelming amount of corroborating data from that scientific community.

    Your summary of the history of climate change studies is more than just simplistic; it's dead wrong. Those English professors didn't originate the theory, and they didn't destroy any data... they just didn't keep their copies when they were done playing with it.

    And you're wrong when you claim there are no funds available to prove global warming doesn't exist. Price would be no object to the petroleum industry, if someone could hand them conclusive proof of that.... so far, mostly what they have is a handful of tired shills living on their earlier reputations, and peddling their scientific integrity for a few bucks. When the tobacco companies stopped paying, they moved on to the oil companies.
  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Troy making a compelling case here ! Where I live it wasn't uncommon 30 years ago to see frost in September, these days I wouldn't take odds of 1000/1 about it happening, in fact frost even in midwinter is all but a thing of the past.

  15. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The entry of people like Al Gore into the debate seems to have been a minus, by introducing political partisanship as a distraction. You also have "professional" alarmists who have already been proven wrong in their dire predictions, such as Tim Flannery, who announced the arrival of a "permanent drought" for Australia as a result of man-made global warming, a forecast that has been thoroughly contradicted by a number of record-breaking floods in the last 3 or 4 years. If you are going to scare people into action, you have to do better than that.
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