Swimming with the Marlin in 85 degree Costa Rica!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by GringoJohn, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. GringoJohn
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    Location: Quepos Costa Rica

    GringoJohn Fish Slayer

    Wow, Christmas fishing has been awesome! We went out today and boated a nice Marlin and three sailfish. We also had another of those crazy customers who jumped in a swam with the Marlin before we released it, it was an awesome time! This week has been really good for the Marlin, we've had 3 in the last four trips, two blacks and this striped, and every week seems to get busier! We have been spending tons of money on the boat, so it's hard to safe if that's paying off or there are just a ton of Marlin in the area, but either way, we'll take it! Check out the awesome photos the customer just sent in!

  2. BPL
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    BPL Senior Member

    Your customers have big smiles. Money spent on the boat has paid off.

    On the middle pic, how many choose to swim with em ? ;):D
  3. GringoJohn
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    GringoJohn Fish Slayer

    That is exactly what I keep trying to tell the wife!!! :p

    It's not too often the guys want to go in. This guy had been on my site a bunch and that was the first thing he said when he got on the boat was that he was ready to swim. The first fish that came out was the marlin, and he had his shirt off the second we grabbed the bill!

  4. Alan8100
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Alan8100 New Member

    Great sharing...
    Thanks for sharing this...
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