Help ID "sailing" dinghy please

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Ry77, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Ry77
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    Ry77 New Member

    Can anyone help ID this 8' dinghy I picked up over the weekend? I was told it was originally set-up to sail. It had a much deeper wooden keel section that was cut down to accommodate beaching.
    Construction is fiberglass, with wooden sheer strakes, thwarts, and keel. double breast hooks and quarter knees. There is a mast step in the compartment made by the mast thwart but no indication of how big the original mast was. Two sets of rowlocks.
    If anyone has any idea what this boat was it would be a great help. I would like to restore it eventually.


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  2. SpiritWolf15x
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    Almost looks like the 9' Davidson I've hanging up in my shed but the bow and stern lines are wrong...
  3. Ry77
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    Ry77 New Member

    Agreed, Seems like the bow is a little more plumb, I think Plumb is the right word. I wonder if a rig similar to the Davidson would work for this boat? If so would you offer me some metrics? Google doesn't seem to offer much on the Dinghy.

  4. SpiritWolf15x
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    If it is about the same size and of the same type it should work.
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