Trying To Live In An Egg...

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Sean Herron, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    Done what all those years ago ?;)?
  2. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Yeah you know--bit O this and a bit O that.

    Duckin and diving here and there. I saw what I always wanted to see.
  3. Lurvio
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    Lurvio Mad scientist

    I don't know how well this works around the world, but there is an insurance policy for marriage, it's called a prenup. Of course it is a bit late if you've already been ringed, but for the rest of us. Has worked fine for my parents, and will work for me should I some day get married. :p

  4. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Marriage is a matter of trust and faith, If you cannot accept that then "live in sin" or give all your assets away beforehand...
    1 person likes this.
  5. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Well said.

    It's very difficult to find the right woman. My search took over 30 years of sorting through tons of them until I found a female version of Catbuilder. Together, we are one person without conflict or dissent. Neither makes any demands on the other. Both trust each other fully.

    Unfortunately, finding the right one very difficult, but test driving them all isn't all *that* bad an experience if my memory serves me correctly. :)

    A prenup might work, but if you need one, you most likely are doomed from the start.

    My wife had discussed marriage with a really rich guy in ny before meeting me. He starts negotiating a prenup, so she dumped him.

  6. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Ditto--couldn't have said it better myself --and if I outlive this one -- well I'll just have to go thru those terrible test drives again :p Geo.
  7. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    "Test drives", may be a pleasant diversion when you know the other is "not THE one" but like Catbuilder says, "the epoxy of life is love, and that will solve all life's problems", and 'arranged marriages' can work, or a relationship can nurture love, if it is worked at as being a mutually beneficial objective...
  8. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    I just came in from the shop-working on the keel mold and shouldn't be wastin time here but just couldn't resist responding to Masalai's post--lets get down to the raw facts--evolution and the continuation of the species dictates sex as the driving force behind pair bonding and any male that contradicts this is fighting his true purpose on earth-I.E. (nature of the beast to pro create). :D So based on that unbendable fact--if you don't test drive you risk the relationship no matter how great a personality she has and the result will be you are more suseptiable to test driveS(plural). :p As the Eagles sing(taking poetic licence) -- it's just a cold hard fact--two rode out and three rode back.
  9. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Life is love and love is sex and sex solves all lifes problems (well from a male point of view)... I was trying to be "polite"? in polite society... Maybe I misread the 'society" bit ?
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Oh test drives, thats ok if you dont have smelly feet or fart in bed a lot. I dont want to go through all that gain.

    Holding farts in all night and probably letting one or two go is not fun, infact its not worth it.

    I applaud these women who tolerate this, including mine.
  11. Lurvio
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    Lurvio Mad scientist

    Well, maybe I should have a bit more background for my opinion. I live on a family farm (not all that big on novadays standads, but valuable all the same) and I don't feel it would be very fair that in divorse you'd have to split it with someone who probably has not used a penny of their money for it.

    It is a bit different for people who start empty handed together.

  12. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    I had a live in Aussie girlfriend for 18months about 15years back that I sacked because she and her redneck tobacco growing family were interferring with my company and trying to control my life style (sailing).

    After having spent my time & my money refurbishing the girlfriends house, after I told her to leave her repayment was:

    stole money (thousands) from my business, intercepted and stole share dividend payments, forged my name as consignee on cheques payable to me, reassigned my insurances to her address, missapropiated funds from my company superanuation, filed a caveat of claim against my freehold property with the district court and tried to get her redneck bikie brother and his mates to intimidate me...if we'd been married she might have got really pissed.
  13. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Your own little Bernadette Madoff.

    Wow, that's a lot of time in jail in the States.

    Nothing happened to her after that?
  14. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    No, what I wanted to happen was against the law big time, but after 3 years of constant harassment I decided enough ********.

    Sold up everything and sailed overseas, best move I ever made. The sea change opened up opportunities that I would never have realized if it wasn't for that mongrel piece of crow bait...not that I hold a grudge or anything but wheels turn.

  15. boat fan
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    boat fan Senior Member

    WOW ! That sounds like a true success story watchkeeper!

    Scary stuff that ended could write a novel ....
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