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Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by thudpucker, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

  2. KnottyBuoyz
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

  3. Tim B
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    Tim B Senior Member

    Why do people waste bandwidth trying to simplify electronics? It's pretty simple to start with, and even the complex stuff is generally a combination of simple bits! (I admit that inductance and oscillators are a bit hard).

    I'll never understand why people liken current to water flow either. That just confuses things later.

    Tim B.
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  4. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Well your both right. I was 42 when I got my Electronics. Maybe if I'd do it again, I'd remember it this time.
    But....water over the dam
  5. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    21st Century ..a world for dummies
  6. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    PistonBroke you are so correct.
    As a kid on the farm and later in Seattle, our family did it all. We fixed stuff, installed stuff, built Houses, repaired all parts of what needed help.....We did it all.

    We never called for professional help. To this day I dont if I can help it.

    And that's just the point of PistonBroke's statement.
    Today, for a long time since we've had experts available and quit doing our own problem solving, we have reached the world of Dummies.

    My kids and Grandkids will call an Expert when they need help.
    Amazin aint it?
  7. Dave Gudeman
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    Dave Gudeman Senior Member

    I take exception to that. I don't call for experts because I'm dumb; I call for experts because I'm lazy.

    Big difference.
  8. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    World was simple then
    How the farm boys going to fix the computer controlled common rail engine
    or the Trimble integrated hydraulics/gps
    not to mention the high cost of labor these days
    times have changed
  9. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I didn't say anything about people being dumb!
    If anything we are smarter and more knowledgeable than our fore-fathers. (with a few exceptions here)
    Today's Kids call an expert because they have not been exposed to 'we'll fix that' at home.
    To these kids growing up with commercials on TV showing the Experts, its just plain natural to call somebody when something fails.
  10. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    yes but you will find the average person is an expert in either an old field or a new field, so not dumber but as technology moves forward you cant possibly know it all as people once did when technolgy was far simpler.
    When IT was invented everyone knew everything now people have a career in just networking, database, mail etc. ( and some fo those a split into vendor products as well) and know very little about the other skills
  11. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    Add to all this the use by governments of a trade lisence and the illegality of even changing a mains plug in australia and you have jobs for the boys. Then add in "throw away" mentality and parts not available .Then the must have society and yes we do have a new world.
    I shall be leaving soon doubt in a cardboard box as wood is too expensive and pushed on a trolley as they are too lazy to lift me head high. Into a holed dug by a mechanical digger
  12. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    when my mother died ( 15 years ago of cancer) she tried to organise to be cremated simple as possible
    Law said she had to be in wooden box
    I wonder how expensive funerasl are in OZ now with the carbon tax?

    If you go out in a boat offshore (a merchant captain) can throw you over the side!
  13. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    Some observations:

    In a highly developed country like Holland, the DIY markets sell virtually everything for electrical installations, central heating, plumbing, car repair etc.
    In Germany and Austria the choice is already somewhat limited, nobody builds his own central heating there so you have to go to a shop for professionals if you need anything in that field.
    And in the Balkan countries -where I reside- people turn to a professional for even the smallest job. In an extreme case the plumber installs a boiler, then calls for an electrician to connect the 3 wires.....
  14. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Jeez how Ironic.
    When I put "hot water Heating" in the floor of the house I built in Alaska, I had to get WERZBO tubing from one of the Baltic countries.
    American Companies had not gone into that market yet.

    Our lives are so specialized these days you cannot even leave ol Gramps alongside the road any more. Somehow the Establishment would trace him back to you, and you'd have to foot the bill for that and the Disposal.

  15. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member


    There was a rapist in the UK not caught but they finallly got some dna
    The dna bank said we know his relatives so checked them in the UK so dice.
    Got permission to go and test people in the Carribean island they knew these people came from to get to a closer relative once you have brother sister or son / daughter you can work out who it is.
    I never heard the result of that one
    Great use of DNA
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