Very first scratch built boat
Corpus Skipper

Corpus Skipper: Very first scratch built boat

A little 14 foot pirogue built to stick my toe in the water. Many more to come!

Corpus Skipper, Aug 12, 2004
    • Rating:
      Milton Thrasher
      Nice looking boat. Take a good look at the Hampton One Design for your
      next boat if you are into sailing. There are a number of new wooden Hamptons being built even though there is a fiberglass supplier of Hamptons. The wooden versions are very competitive. The September/October 2001 Issue 162 by WoodenBoat magazine has an
      excellent article by Vincent Serio, Jr.'s grandson that includes the plans.
      I sailed with and against Hampton One Designs in 1942 at Norfolk, VA and
      found them to be a wonderful sailing boat that is easy to build. There are
      several website that show amateur builder projects in good detail that you can find by going to I will post some photos of Hamptons on the gallery to whet your interests.
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    Aug 12, 2004
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