Media for user: aaronhl

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Recent Comments

  1. SailDesign
    Thank you for the drip. A perfect little touch. :)
  2. Alik
  3. Sean Herron
    I remember this...
  4. blared
    Great work
  5. fallguy
    Do you notch the female jig to batten?
  6. messabout
    Pretty little boat. Nice job of converting big box store material to a good looking finished job. Did you also make the oars? Another good looking job.
  7. peter radclyffe
    norfolk wherry gleaner plans - Search Images (
  8. Robert Biegler
    I only uploaded the second page because I needed that to illustrate a comment was making. The first page states: "The idea originated about three years ago with speculation about how to...
  9. SailDesign
    I'm tempted to ask "Why?" As in "What is the advantage over a conventional proa or catamaran?" Especially at dinner-time at sea. :)
  10. socalspearit
    @Darkzillicon I had no where else to paint it...! Luckily design of house is such that I could close certain doors and run the big attic fan in such a way that we could keep positive pressure...

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