Hello... OK - you built the bugger - and it looks good - koodos... Now explain that perfectly welded and polished SS cage bit... Tow bar - something for clear PVC and other against weather... Cheers... SH.
Hello.. You can piss in my face - but man - you have possibility here - **** - I see a double bunk elevated in that SS cage... Fantastic boat - very - very - GOOD job of same... Seems I cannot upload photos to this so mind my own gallery for some thoughts and drunken spew... SH.
I loved the boat ... real nice.... but I hated the ss ski tower..but that is just me.... I would rather get a offshore style T-top and make it a center console or maybe a cabin cruiser.... Still ... real nice boat.
Hi Sean, it seams to be, that you you are very lucky about my "bugger". But I use this tower for wakeboarding. So its only a polished "Monster-tower". For more Information take a look on my webside http://www.professner.net. HP