International Moth

Olav: International Moth

Another Rendering of my design - more detailed, with other wings and painting...

Olav, Jan 20, 2004
    • Pieetry
      why the center mainsheet insted of runing it at the stern ie 49er, 29er, 18, ect?
    • Olav
      Hi Pieetry,

      thanks for your comment.

      To answer your question: Some time ago I tried such a main sheet system you mentioned on my boat and it didn't work well. The problem is that the tackle is very likely to get tangeled behind the aft wing corners and it's a hassle to remove it from there - which is definetely not fast in a regatta!

      I have to admit in very light airs it is not such a problem and it can be very easy then to tack or gybe without digging the wings in (because you can move across the boat at the middle of the cockpit) but when the breeze comes up it's easier (in my opinion and from my experience) to have the tiller extension swinging sternwards and not beeing in danger of tripping over it.

      All the best, Olav
    • Rating:
      Nice work Olav!
      Is this intended to be a foiler-based moth? The centreboard looks a long way aft for it not to be foilborne... if it is, one minor detail that might make a slight difference is to angle the centreboard forwards (like on Rohan's Prowler foiler) to make cavitation less of an issue.

      I like the Freddy Duvoisin-style deck/wing frame arrangement in this picture, it's a nice touch and (according to Freddy) saves up to 1.5 kgs of weight, which in moths is essential.

    • Olav
      Yep, it's a foiler! I have recently uploaded pictures of the foil configuration as thumbnails on the hydrofoil thread ( I will add ventilation fences to the daggerboard to avoid air traveling down the foil.
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    Jan 20, 2004
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