International Moth

Olav: International Moth

Rendering of my current Moth design which will be built this winter with assistance of a fellow student. Note the 2nd centrecase (aft) where a hydrofoiled centreboard can be fitted. Building method is foam/carbon sandwich, estimated all-up weight (incl. rig, all fittings etc.) is slightly above 30kgs. For those who are interested in the software used: The hull has been designed with Hullform 6 whereas the rendering has been produced using SolidWorks and the use of the VRML-output feature of Hullform 9.

Olav, Dec 8, 2003
    • Andy
      Looks good Olav. You might consider leaving out the 2nd centreboard case and save some weight unless you are convinced of the best location for it - see the current thread in the forum about foiler design (as im sure you already have). Then you can get rid of the conventional case when you switch to foils - or are you planning to use different foils and positions depending on conditions? Keep us up to date as you build, though!!! Andy
    • Olav
      Hi Andy,

      Thanks for your comment!
      I think your're perfectly right regarding the two centrecases. Yesterday I read the thread you mentioned, found a lot of interesting things posted there and came to a similar conclusion.
      The boat is to have the Miller system (acknowledgements to both Rich Miller and Ian Ward by the way!) and I was a bit concerned about the required distance between the front foil and the centreboard (i.e. not too short for longtitudinal stability)so I guessed its value from the pics of Rich Miller's surfboard.
      However, leaving out the 2nd case will save me likely trouble with the LCE... :)

      Regards, Olav
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    Dec 8, 2003
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