DHYD 17.6

Kiwifinn: DHYD 17.6

Posted by: Kiwifinn - website: http://www.artnautica.com

Kiwifinn, Mar 27, 2010
    • Agave
      This is nice! Can you share the engine power/speed estimates? You wouldn't happen to be Finnish?
    • Kiwifinn
      Yup, I'm Finnish allright. Been living in NZ for 12 years.
      The boat has a 75 hp Beta diesel coupled to a Norwegian CP propeller system. Cruising speed is anything below 10 knots, max should be about 11 knots. The idea is to have long range capability at comfortable and affordable speeds. There is 3800L of diesel onboard so the cruising range is very good at slower speeds, assuming mostly following winds as one tends to do when cruising, even in a powered vessel.
      Where about in Finland are you from? Do you work in the marine industry?
    • Agave
      NZ is beautifull. Wisited my wifes parents and sister at Auckland and traveled the south island at january for couple of weeks...Just awesome.

      I'm currently living in Espoo and working for Strhlmann yacht design. originally I am from Imatra, it's a small town in east.

      Do you work in the NZ marine industry? I chatted with one marine designer at Auckland and he said it was pretty quiet in the industry..?
    • Kiwifinn
      I worked 6 years for McMullen & wing, then 3 years for Vaudrey Miller Yachts, 2 years for Roger Hill Yacht Design and currently I'm self-unemployed =) ie. doing my own design work and contract work for others.
      Check out www.dickeyboats.com for a sample of my designs that have been built here.
      Yes, unfortunately quite a few boatbuilders here have gone belly up but there are signs of improvement in the market. Who was your marine design contact in Auckland?
      It would be good to stay in touch, my email is dennis_harjamaa@hotmail.com
    • Rating:

      I've posted comments on this design before. It's one of my favorite on BoatDesign.

      Nice work!

      I am Finn by association ;) My wife is a native of Tornio. We will be visiting her parents and other relatives this summer with possibly a stop at the Swan yard as well as the Siltala yard. My wife has an Aunt who is a somewhat well known artist who lives in NZ. Her aunt's name is Sirpa Alalkkl.
    • Rating:
      nice work Whoosh
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