Mauro Sculli Concept Sketch

phrogjlf@yahoo: Mauro Sculli Concept Sketch

phrogjlf@yahoo, Sep 25, 2017
    • SailDesign
      I can't help but think that anything smaller than a full-grown ship is going to have a VERY undesirable range of motions in any kind of a sea. The waterplane inertias must be huge!
    • phrogjlf@yahoo
      It will need to be modeled and tested to find out, but, there are similarities to riverboat hulls in the way the water flows. I expect it will have a lot better characteristics than that, though, given a decent bow to handle incoming waves.
    • SailDesign
      I'll be curious. The circular Russian warships pf the late 1800's had issues with controlability and motions. in the book "The World's Worst Warships", Anthony Preston mentioned "They were prone to rapid rolling and pitching in anything more than a flat calm, and could not aim or load their guns under such circumstances.[14]"
    • phrogjlf@yahoo
      The Ramform Sterling was retrofitted with a bulbous bow and rounded bilges to aid with that, as well as the free-flooding tanks indicated in the 3D drawing (green with red for the tanks). The flooding uses a labyrinth path of airflow to control the rate between paired tanks. The system is passive, but can be power assisted, moving air, to control the water. I believe the system is standard on the Ramform vessels, now, especially due to the severe conditions in the North Sea.

      System is by Marine Pitch & Roll Control, A.S.
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