Aussie 6.7mt Sportfisher build

gary1: Aussie 6.7mt Sportfisher build

Not real happy with the paint finish

gary1, Dec 14, 2008
    • Rating:
      Nice paint................
    • gary1
      Thank's ratrace2,
      But to be honest when you get up close it looks like ****, I have since sanded it of and layed down another coat with a bit better results. Still looks pretty ordinary but a lot better than the first lot of paint, I will learn to live with it.
    • ratrace2
      It looks fine!!!
      Well, you sound like me. When ever I do something like this I'm my own worst critic. Like me, you see every little "tiny tiny" flaw that ain't perfect.
      So, put down the microscope and give it the "20 foot test": Step back 20 feet and then judge, that's what I do.
      I really like that hull form, too.....
    • gary1
      Thank's ratrace2,
      I like the hull shape as well a nice fine entry it should work well where I fish. I tried the 20ft test it doesn't look to bad at that
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    Dec 14, 2008
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