Just an idea!

Polarity: Just an idea!

Did have another go at my own Option 1 - presently looks like a hybrid gentlemans launch and a Tug might need some work !!

Posted by: Polarity - website: http://www.express40.com

Polarity, Oct 19, 2002
    • tom kane
      I would like to see boat designers design
      complete boats.Not just a hull with propulsion
      and other important items fitted in later.
      If you by a car do you realy want to fit your own engine.An intergrated safe means of transport would be nice.Other wise why employ a designer.
    • Willallison
      Interesting comment Tom - though I'm not sure where you draw the inspiration for it from. Almost all boats are designed with a particular engine (or range of engines) in mind. The great thing about boats, however is that (unlike cars) you can choose the engine / manufacturer that best suits your needs. Can yo give an example of a boat that ISN'T a 'complete' boat as you put it?
      Even if the immage is nice, Tom Kane has right...

      RANCHI Otto
    • Rating:
      i like this one a lot also..is that a hottub i see on the back deck,,,if so you really made my day.
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    Option 1 Design Project
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    Oct 19, 2002
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