Top : Technical Resources : Books - Boatbuilding : Steel and Aluminum

  • Boatbuilding With Aluminum by Stephen F. Pollard  8.75
    Stephen Pollard has built hundreds of aluminum boats-from large ocean racers to water-jet river boats-and has pioneered many of the techniques used in modern welded aluminum boat manufacturing. Readers learn aluminum fabrication, welding, and lofting through the construction of a 20-foot McKenzie River drift boat. More advanced aluminum-forming techniques and large-yacht construction are covered in detail, using specific examples, to enable readers to build aluminum boats of any size (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 4156)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book
  • Metal Boats by Ken Scott  1.00
    Metal Boats by Ken Scott
    "A concise guide to building or buying aluminum and steel craft. Scott explains how to compensate for the metal's liabilities while taking advantage of its assets. He deciphers some drawings and goes step-by-step through building the hull, installing machinery, insulation interior, then provides sources for designs and designers." (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3883)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book
  • Metal Corrosion in Boats  0
    The Prevention of Metal Corrosion in Hulls, Engines, Rigging and Fittings. Naval architect Warren offers owners and builders of boats information on the various metals used in boats and the corrosion they are subject to; the different types of corrosion and their effects; and advice on control and prevention, discussing both problem areas such as keep bolts and propeller shafts, and approaches such as cathodic protection and copper sheathing. (Added: 22-Jun-2000 Hits: 3062)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book
  • Steel Away  9.00
    Covers all aspects of the planning, estimating and construction. The estimator chapters are very useful for both man hours and material. They also give a few table that compare the cost of a boat Owner Built, Owner Finished or Professionally Built from 30' to 50'. All of these figures are based on mid '80s prices but you could easily adjust them for today's costs. (Added: 17-Dec-2001 Hits: 3373)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book
  • The Complete Guide to Metal Boats  0
    Building, Maintenance, and Repair by R. Bruce Roberts-Goodson. For anyone even considering building, buying, or renovating a metal boat, this must-have resource provides a thorough overview of steel, aluminum, and copper-nickel boat construction. Written by one of the world’s most experienced small-craft designers, Metal Boats explains the advantages of metal; how to buy it; how to cut and weld it; how to build or refurbish hulls, decks, and superstructures with it; and how to finish it. (Added: 23-May-2001 Hits: 3432)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book
  • True Round Metal Boat Building: Bezier Chine Design  10.00
    The purpose of this book is to demonstrate a simpler approach to plate a true round hull. One that reduces the time, effort and the special skills required. The book begins with a discussion about the theory of ‘Bezier Chine’ by relating it to long-established architectural sheet-metal layout principles. ‘Bezier Chine’ design and construction uses high tech computer design. This reduces construction to time-honored architectural metal-working procedures that are methodology, consistent and predictable. Every part of the hull is fully developed and clearly described. This includes never-failing techniques to pre-form all the shell plating and position it on the hulls corresponding framework in a fair and seamless manner. The ‘Bezier 12.5” - a classic 16 foot aluminum tumblehome hull design is used to demonstrate the principles of ‘Bezier Chine’ design and construction. (Added: 11-Dec-2016 Hits: 1620)  My Links | #ad Buy this Book

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