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Autoship - leading-edge CAD/CAM software for vessel design & construction, on-board strength & stability monitoring, customized load & stowage planning.

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  • Pias  6.90
    An integrated computer program for the design of the hullform, calculation of the resistance and propulsion characteristics, tonnage and deadweight, tank capacities, intact stability, grain stability, damage stability, probabilistic damage stability and longitudinal strength of the ship. Modules include Fairway which provides an alternate to NURBS and Locopias loading and damage evaluation. (Added: 5-Jul-2001 Hits: 8551)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit Pias
  • Prolines by Vacanti Yacht Design  6.25
    Prolines 2019 is a significant upgrade to the venerable Prolines 7. New high resolution graphics to 4K, 3D rendering and 3D printing capabilities. Hull design and analysis capability in a single package including stability analysis, wave and friction drag evaluation and CAD file export. Designed to work with Windows 10. New companion products Wings 2019, B-Plates 2019 and ABS Construct 2019.   (Added: 27-Sep-1999 Hits: 33345)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit Prolines by Vacanti Yacht Design
  • ProSurf by New Wave Systems  5.81
    The Nautilus System is an integrated set of computer programs for defining, fairing, analyzing, and constructing any type of boat or ship. Whether you are a first time backyard boatbuilder or a professional naval architect or shipbuilder, we have a program for you. ProSurf, ProBasic and ProChine.   (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 23671)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit ProSurf by New Wave Systems
  • SeaSolution  7.46
    CAD system for shipbuilding. SeaSolution is comfortable tool for geometric simulation and design especially for fairing lines and shell plates development. (Added: 17-Feb-2003 Hits: 8684)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit SeaSolution
  • ShipConstructor Software Inc.  0
    ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI) is the creator of the world’s leading AutoCAD-based shipbuilding and offshore CAD/PDM system called ShipConstructor®. The ShipConstructor® software is a Product Information Modeling (PIM) system which captures all information relevant to the 3D design, manufacturing, maintenance, repair and refit of complex marine projects. ShipConstructor® also uses Associative DWG technology which allows for the automatic updating of production output when the design changes. By combining this technology with the PIM approach, ShipConstructor® brings the benefits of true concurrent engineering to the marine design industry. (Added: 27-Dec-2009 Hits: 15487)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit ShipConstructor Software Inc.
  • ShipShape  5.33
    A program for creating, fairing, and interpolating a set of ship’s lines. It has been configured to interface with the existing Wolfson Unit Hydrostatics and Stability suite of programs.   (Added: 31-Dec-2001 Hits: 29790)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit ShipShape
  • Sistre  10.00
    Newest BREP Solid based Hydrostatic SolverRhino compatible (IGES)Free basic functions in demo version for home users. MAAT Hydro is a solid based hydrostatic solver aknowledged by most classification societies, combining real time analysis and highest level calculation utilities. (Added: 23-Jun-2006 Hits: 6158)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit Sistre
  • SUPHAD  10.00
    “SUPHAD” – Stepped Unstepped Planing Hull Analysis Design – is a software suite based on a numerical procedure specifically developed for the analysis and design of hydroplane stepped and conventional (unstepped) hulls. The code enable the evaluation of static and dynamic characteristics of a hull through a three-dimensional schematization of the geometry, which is defined by a limited number of parameters and cross sections, starting from a simple scale sketch, where are shown, on plan and outline views, following lines: keel, chine, freeboard of “wettable” volume, steps (when included) and, last, the “reference” immersion line (which can initially be coincident with the base-line too). (Added: 17-Jan-2014 Hits: 2485)  My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit SUPHAD

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