It floats

nero: It floats

First design parameter a success! The model was overloaded by 8 scale tons and it still floated high enough to keep the bridge deck bottom above the waves. I start the real boat in a month. The part is just beginning.

nero, Feb 27, 2005
    • Rating:
      Interesting model, looks like air pockets can form and avoid suck down forces from waves. Also at speed you may get a little "wing in ground effect" or aerodynamic lift. Kind of reminds me of the "M-Hull" design in the middle. Nice work, love it.
    • nero
      The dip in the middle is intended to break the wave force up. That is if the boat get into tall short waves they should not slap the underside.

      At 10 to 20 knots I do not think and WIG effect will take place. Maybe some aerodynamics to help push the air up over the hulls instead of between them?

      Thanks for the compliments. I just got back to IL where I am building the real boat. So much work to do. Hope to post some more photos of the build soon.
    • kach22i
      The real thing, is it a ten year project or are you going to get some help to build it?

      Can't wait.
    • nero
      At present, I have two halves of one hull including bulkheads sitting in the forms ready to be bonded together. Ran out of warm weather. I also have half of the second hull strip planked with the bulkheads tacked in. This took me two 6-month seasons to build. (along with overhead crane and daggerboards)

      This year's build season starts in March 15. Will be able to weld trailer, complete first hull, and with hard work complete the second hull.

      I have has several set backs. Ruptured achilles tendon, logistics of how to move the hull halves, and finding suitable/affordable lumber. And staying organized.

      I did try to find some local high-school kids to help. Nada. People laughed at me when I put the words "work" and "kids" together. Of course there is also the challenge of convincing rural Illinois folk that building a boat and sailing it on the ocean is not complete insanity.

      Will be ready to host volunteers in June. This is when I hope to strip plank the last hull half. So, yes I will try to find help. Doing it all by myself will take a total of 6 years working 6 months each year.
    • Rating:
      Is there a progres report or are you out sailing?
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    Projects in Progress
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    Feb 27, 2005
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