The Pulau Duyong Tradition
orang laut

orang laut: The Pulau Duyong Tradition

Perahu Bedar "Tom Yum" formerly known as "Naga Pelangi"

orang laut, Nov 20, 2006
    • Rating:
      Nice hot soup.
    • Rating:
      I'm starting to get into these vessels - more please
    • chowdan
      I LOVE THIS DESIGN!!!!!! this is true masterpiece! Anyone have any more photos like this? or even boat designs??
    • orang laut
      Nope, sorry lah no boat designs available.. the ones that exist are quite jealously guarded too.

      In fact, plans are pretty useless for boatbuilders in Pulau Duyong, Terengganu, Malaysia.. they've always built boats by eye and feel, except for one guy: he can read & build according to plans, yours. He usually goes for more western/modern style boats as opposed to traditional Trengganu sailing crafts.

      Best is to come & see for yourself. There's a traditional phinis being built right now :)
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    orang laut
    Nov 20, 2006
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