Swain 36 twin keel yacht in Comox, BC

origamiboats: Swain 36 twin keel yacht in Comox, BC

I find this shot very romantic, and partly ironic, in a manner of speaking; the boat's owner lives aboard in this gorgeous Comox, BC harbour with a panoramic view of coastal mountains and a glacier, while the owners of the upscale houses ashore have spent 3 or 4 times as much for their homes with the same (actually less) view, plus yearly taxes to boot. This steel Brent Swain 36 features twin keels to allow it to settle happily onto the mudflats at low tide, opening up anchorages (such as this one -- you'll see no fin keeler in this spot) unuseable by most vessels this size. More info about this design at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/origamiboats Alex

Posted by: origamiboats - website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/origamiboats

origamiboats, Oct 8, 2002
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      Hi. I'm new to this forum thing, so a bit of brotherly love will go a long way for me. I'm on the hunt for steel sailboat info. I'm going to be building or buying a sailboat and want to learn all I can before deciding. Dish it up my broyhers and sisters.
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    Sailboats - Monohull
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    Oct 8, 2002
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