Sportfisher 1030 Aluminium

Wave: Sportfisher 1030 Aluminium

Sportfishing 1030 Aluminium

Wave, Dec 18, 2005
    • Rating:
      Very smooth construction.
      The superstructure also in aluminium?
    • Wave
      Thank you kindly Akeswins for your feedback.
      Yes, the superstructure is aluminium too. People assume it is fibreglass.
      I would have rounded the edges alot more if I could design it for a fibreglass top.
    • Rating:
      What an absolute beauty!! Is she designed specifically for fishing a certain area of NZ? I love it when a fishing boat takes my breath I need O2!!!

      Very nicely done...

    • Wave
      It is actually quite a serious heavy weather boat. Designed for gamefishing in a following sea. It is located in Kaikoura the Whale Watch place of New Zealand.
      Thanks for your rating Kevdog.
    • Wave
      Sorry I mean Kevin. Kind regards from Win and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
    • Akeswins
      Can you upload more photos , like interior , transom, and more details?
      It would be interesting.
      And which is aluminium thickness that you used for the hull and renforcements?
      And about the displacement?
      I had never seen a boat in so round aluminium, still compliments.
    • Wave
      Displacement 6 ton.---Thickness Hull 6mm. ---Thickness Cabin 4mm.--- Engine: Volvo penta D6 EVA 310 hp.---Top Speed 30 knots.--- Cruising Speed 20 knots. ---Deadrise 21 Deg.--- Loa 11m.--- Beam 3.1m.
    • Guillermo
      Very nice design and construction. Congratulations.
    • Wave
      Thanks Guillermo,

      Happy New Year to you and your family.

      Kind regards

    • lazeyjack
      I think the entry is very poor on this boat, very spoonshaped and would make the boat ride really hard upwind The addition of the strake will make the charecteristic worse still.
      I learnt the hard way myself, after building such great downwind boats, I then adopted deep vee forwards, one very short strake and sat the boat on top of the waves, in fact the faster they went the better the ride I can see this boat back to very slow speeds in the waters off NZ

      The workmanship looks terrific
    • Wave
      The painting job gives the hull an optical illusion as the hull would have a spoon shape, this is not the case. The foto is also foreshortened and the lines are more gentle in real life.

      The hull performs very well in various sea conditions. Professional skippers own this boat and they have a very good report about it. I have developed coastguard hull shapes for many years. It is not only a good looker. Thanks for the compliment
    • Rating:
      Greetings from florida,USA As a comm. fisherman, your vessel would do nicely. Could your boat carry 2000# of fish? Are you selling kits or designs? Love the rounded wheelhouse. My wife is jealous, gotta go!
    • Wave
      Hi rythminblue, I have designs and kitsets available. There is a DVD available taken from a helicopter when the boat goes along. The boat has recently been reviewed in Boating New Zealand magazine. Have a look at this website for additional information and sent them an email and I will get in contact with you. Buy your wife some flowers today so you have a good excuse to buy another boat. Regards from Win
    • Wave
      And thanks for your rating. No wonder your wife is jealous !
    • Rating:
      Nice boat! Wave, I am looking for contact with you. Tried to send you an e-mail, but I am not sure that you got it. Please contact with me
    • Rating:
      very high standard of design and workshop.
      compliments wave...
    • Wave
      Thanks Ranchi, I like your designs too, simple practical and still having style.

      Nice to have a compliment from you on my birthday.

      Have a great day... and dont forget to stop and smell a flower along the way, or better... to pick a flower and give it to one of your friends.
    • Rating:
      Very Nice!!
      With the price of compostie tooling and labor, you think it's time to move over to aluminium Hulls?
      Is this 5086 al (6mm sheet stock).??
    • ratrace2
      what does the "1030" stand for???
    • Rating:
      Beautiful. :)
      This is the proof that with aluminum one can make the same complex forms that would otherwise require the use of GRP.
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    Gallery of Professional Design Work
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    Dec 18, 2005
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