Tanton Cat-Ketch

Tanton: Tanton Cat-Ketch

Filament-Wound-Carbon-Fiber Masts. Carbon Wishbones Booms.

Posted by: Tanton - website: http://tantonyachtdesign.blogspot.com

Tanton, Oct 29, 2005
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      Pick up a copy of each of these: Preliminary Design of Boats and Ships by Cyrus Hamlin, Skene's Elements of Yacht Design (Edited by Francis S. Kinney) and Yacht Designing and Planning by Howard Chapelle. These should give you some idea of the calculations. This is by all means not all inclusive and there are a # of NA's on this forum who can recommend other books to help you out. Unfortunately (for programmers), in my opinion, 50% of designing a boat is in the eye and artistry of the designer. Any drawing/designing package must be able to handle minute adjustments to the lines (any and all), along with being able to fully show waterlines, displacements, centers and moments at any position the boat can be made to take, relative to water (including the addition of waves and their affects on the moving hull).
      What I mean is... what kind of lift are we likely to see with x shape when the bow buries itself in the face of a 6 foot wave while the the last 1/4 of the boat is riding on the crest of the previous wave? What all of this would do is enable the designer to blend his/her artistry with a (fairly) predictable result. I am sure that some sofware out there does this...probably with a 5 figure price too.

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