47' Ungava
Doug Lord

Doug Lord: 47' Ungava

This boat was completely rebuilt and redesigned by my Dad. It started out as a 47' Grebe and Dad found it as a wrecked "crew" boat in Nahleans. Dad, and the rest of us, rebuilt the boat nights and weekends for about 13 years. This picture was taken when she was complete with two new 4-71 diesels and all of a sudden we had a "yacht" -far cry from what she started out as! Taught me a lot about boat building and powerboat handling-and about a lot of other things as well.....

Posted by: Doug Lord - website: https://www.sailwolffoiler.com/wolf/

Doug Lord, Dec 16, 2011
    • Rating:
      Doug, this is a superbe yacht. It must have been the most beautiful 13 years in your family life.
      I hope you still have her.
      What a treat to see a picture of a real gentleman yacht.
    • Doug Lord
      Thanks, Daniel. I learned more with that boat that with anything else in my early life. I learned about glass, about design, about working , about sticking to it and about the sweet, sweet reward of being part of such a great project.
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    Dec 16, 2011
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