Calpi 24

GemondBoat: Calpi 24

GemondBoat, Oct 8, 2009
Old Stoker likes this.
    • Kreso
      Hi GemondBoat :)
      Your design is very nice, but first thought I got when I saw your design was that designer isn't naval architect. So is it so ? Are you industrial designer ? With help of naval architect this could be very good boat !
    • GemondBoat
      Hi and thank you. You are right - this design made by civil arch. As far as we also like her shapes we let it "as is". If real customer will appear to order such a yacht then, of course, all our team of nav.arch.s, engineers and electricians will pay closest att. to hull shape (depending on displ. or fast) stability and so on
    • dreamer
      One of the best designs I've seen in a while. These are the seeds of future realizations.
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