NZ Coastal Classic underway, any updates?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The NZ Coastal Classic website seems to be down (too popular) anyone know if there is any other race tracking or updates available?
  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    update from Team Vodafone Sailing reposted by crew ogre over at there appears to have been some retirements as conditions are heavy.

    First off the boat report from TVS

    Had to gybe to get around Kawau. Breeze got a bit of south in it. 3 reefs and trinquette (????anybody??). Top speed past Rangi46kn!!. Disco (that's one of the crew, they aren't having a dance party)

    Appears that trinquette is a staysail?
  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Report from Stephen C on the Coastal Classic start reposted from

    It was carnage at the start with many boats having trouble and wiping out. 888 lead the multis untill Rangi light as Vodaboat got stuck behind the freighter that was parked in between North Head and Orakei. Kia Kaha lead the way for the monos but wiped out several minutes after North Head in a nasty squall giving the lead to V5. Georgia and Ran Tan both had trouble gybing onto port at North Head and were both looking good before that. Ran Tan destroyed their kite while Georgia couldn't gybe their gennaker past the headsail.

    The second round of starters were the same. It paid to start at the wharf on starboard if you were running a kite and pick when to gybe. Many boats just ran with headsails though and started a little wider and tried to sneak through North Head.

    Pretty Woman lead the charge out of the harbour with Truxton in hot pursuit making up lost ground after a conservative start. Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeler was looking good after the gybe onto port and was bow up and smoking.

    The third round of starters were a little more conservative and the Stewart 34 Pelagian lead the way out of the harbour.

    There was a squall that you could see coming in behind the city 10 minutes before the start and it kicked in just as the lead boats were at North Head. What was important about this was that the previous two squalls had been 25-30 knots at North Head, but this one came through at somewhere around 35+ knots and caused lots of carnage. My photos will start to go up in the next 20 minutes once ive sorted through them.
  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    This from "crew ogre" over at

    Attitude has retired.

    Vodaboat just went whizzing past our house , nearly at Tiri.
  5. Corley
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  6. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Update from the Coastal Classic website:

    TVS have finished!

    By the thinnest of margins, TeamVodafoneSailing has bettered its race record today. They finished at 15:41.44 - less than three minutes under last year's historic race record.

    Great going guys!
  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    More video from the Coastal Classic event showing the tough conditions at the start that dominated the event. Link to video from SA front page.

  10. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  11. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  12. warwick
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    warwick Senior Member

    Thanks Corley for the vodaphone clip. It must be disappointing to be passed, when you are already doing 20+ knots, as with triple 8 in the back ground towards the end of the video clip.
  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I know, you would be really wondering what you had to do to compete at that point. Huge congrats to everyone involved, tough conditions and lots of retirements 888 and Taeping did well to stay as close as they did. I heard that Team Vodafone ripped their mainsail and had a dodgy start so it wasnt a perfect day for them either.
  14. warwick
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    warwick Senior Member

    I have to agree Corley. A big congratulation to all who finished the race. A tough start then a drifting match at the end for the smaller boats.

  15. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    A nice shot of Timberwolf with about as much wind as she can handle. Posted by TimW on they survived the wind and seastate and came in first in their division.

    Attached Files:

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