interior virtual tour

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by tz3dcom, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. tz3dcom
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    tz3dcom 3D

    Hello All,

    I just finished a 42'cat interior virtual tour , it's work on my computer with xp system + Internet Explorer, but it does not work on someone's browser ..
    I am curious if it's also work on mac system or Ipad.. as I donot have mac or Ipad. can any friend help me test it ? Many thanks. 42/index.html

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  2. yves
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    yves Junior Member


    I'm on a mac (OS X 10.6), doesn't work in either firefox, safari or chrome (some moving broken pics icons in safari and chrome, nothing on firefox)
  3. tazmann
    Joined: Aug 2005
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    tazmann Senior Member

    Doesn't work with windows 7 and chrome either
  4. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Windows 7 + Chrome-no
    XP+ Chrome-no

    Says "Error Loading panorama xml"
  5. tz3dcom
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    tz3dcom 3D

    Many thanks for friend's answer..

    I'm disappointed and I realize that the file does not work for many people.. maybe it's non-mainstream foramt..or I have been used old system or non-mainstream tool..or
    lack some code..

    I will learn more about how to create the right format for the Mac,windows 7 with safari or chrome to play.

  6. 2far2drive
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    Im windows 7, IE 9, java 6 Update 33 and works great!
  7. Silver Raven
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    WOW Nice presentation ! ! !

    Gooday 'tz3d' - for me here in OZ using Windows 7 pro c/w 'google' chrome.

    Thanks so much for the great presentation.

    Only one 9little0 more request - PLEASE -

    Please get me on board the test boat & let me sail it properly in 10 to 18 kts of breeze. Thanks - just knew you'd help me to do that.

    Thanks again - fab tour. Ciao, james

  8. tz3dcom
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    tz3dcom 3D

    Thank you too Raven , Pls forgive me , I am not the sailor and rig designer to test the speed not my work. Why do you care this boat performance ?

    I am hearing Gregor is working on a performance version with daggers . maybe you will get the performance info soon.
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