Free!Ship 2.6+ vs Prediction resistance by Holtrop-Mennen started method

Discussion in 'Software' started by Victor T, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    I downloaded the new freeship from that link; but i am waiting for having new features in the next versions.
  2. StianM
    Joined: May 2006
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    StianM Senior Member

    Is there anny plans to port Freeship to Linux?
    Implement it with opemfoam would make a powerfull tool(I never really tested openfoam, newer made it install)
  3. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Write me about your problem be more detailed on my e-mail

  4. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Without new features Free!ship+ must be worked under:

    1. Fluxbox,IceWm,WindowMaker,Openbox,Blackbox (Not tested, but as Blackbox is quite close to Fluxbox it is probably ok.)
    2. Gnome - Only the main window of FREE!ship is listed in the window menu, so if you loose the focus of a dialog window, your only choice is to kill FREE!ship.

    See the Freeship2.6 manual...

    Best regards
  5. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Hi Leo!

    I approved Michlet -> make the program without any interface - we shall cause from Free!ship+.

    Best regards
  6. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.78+
    Released August 8, 2007
    New features:
    * Updated links on site FREE!ship Plus and e-mail
    * Added 12 body plans of NACA0006...NACA0035
    * Added 12 body plans of HEЖ-06...HEЖ-35 (Joukovsky)
    * Added three type of ship by Neyman's diagram for resistance calcs
    * Added data input in form for calculation of displacement catamaran and triple-hulled
    vessel by method Doubrovsky (Nser=14,15)
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for resistance calculation
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for propellers calculation
    * Fixed some bugs in input data diagnostics for propeller tasks
    * Updated Неlр for 16 methods of resistance and power calcs
    * Synchronized *.ini files
    * Made more 20 little changings


  7. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Release Version 2.8+
    Released August 20, 2007
    New features:
    * Added 12 body plans of NACA0006...NACA0035
    * Added 12 body plans of HE╞-06...HE╞-35 (Joukovsky)
    * Added three type of ship by Neyman's diagram for resistance calcs
    * Added data input in form for calculation of displacement catamaran and triple-hulled
    vessel by method Doubrovsky (Nser=14,15)
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for resistance calculation
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for propellers calculation
    * Fixed some bugs in input data diagnostics for propeller tasks
    * Updated ═σl≡ for 16 methods of resistance and power calcs
    * Synchronized *.ini files
    * Made more 20 little changings
    * Delete commercian code and calls from fortlib.dll accoding with
    requirements of GPL 2

    Source code is available on site FREE!ship Plus. See early...
  8. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    News are on site FREE!ship Plus...

    Test only Version 2.81+
    Released August 28, 2007
    New features:
    * Translated and added manual FREE!ship v2.6 on Ukrainian
    * Included new freeware program for view and edit BDs *.dbf with engines
    * Added into BD hydromotors (30) and electromotors (23+74) for submercibles
    * Added into BD diesels MAN (Low speed engines - 165 and Medium speed - 66)
    * Added calculation pitch ratio P/D for propellers of series B in Holtrop method
    * Changed calculation additional resistance Са and Сарр for catamarans and trimarans
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for river cargo, passenger, cargopassenger ships and river tugs by methods of NIEWT, GIEWT and LIWT ( 19 ship's prototypes )
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for fishing ships by method Yeroshin for small and medium fishing ships
    * Made more 10 little changings

    And new design of site.


  9. verbertus
    Joined: Sep 2007
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    verbertus Junior Member

    Hi all,

    Where can I download the latest stable release? (2.8?)
  10. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    All versions are working and for testing only...
    2.8+ is a source code only without commercial code. You can compile it and get EXE file version 2.8+.
  11. verbertus
    Joined: Sep 2007
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    verbertus Junior Member

    Hah, I like your Ukrainian humor :)

    Now, for compiling I would need to buy more braincells..
    Do you have a roadmap for Freeship+? (towards a stable version)

    Thank you Victor and goodluck with the project!
  12. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    I like your Belgian self-confidence...
    You would need to buy as minimum Delphi 7
    Very very stable version it is died FREEship 2.6 - and it use.
    According to my roadmap stable version FREEship Plus will appear not earlier than in 3-4 years. Then come.

    Good bye, verbertus.
  13. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Some news on site FREE!ship Plus...
  14. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Update Freeship Plus 2.82+ uploaded on site...


  15. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
    Posts: 127
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.83+
    Released October 30, 2007
    New features:
    * Added a button for start engine selection in propeller task N1
    * Added into strength propeller calculation some parameters e/D, dн/D and other as function
    by number of diagram
    * Added into strength propeller calculation 8 types of metal (brass, bronze, stainless steel and duralumin)
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for propellers calculation
    * Added manuals FREE!ship v2.6 on french and spain (Castellano) languages with button Help click
    * Added spanish ini file
    * Synchronized *.ini files
    * Made more 10 little changings and fixed some bugs

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