Flamingo NXT some free new Probe and oceanwater?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Formshifter, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Formshifter
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Formshifter Senior Designer

    Does anyone have some good probes or tropical seawatermaterial i could use for my Flamingo nXt materials library?

    regards John
  2. bhnautika
    Joined: Feb 2006
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Formshifter here from a previous post is one way to get different water surfaces and colours. I have added the two materials for the water in the picture.
    The method I use to create water surfaces is as follows. I actually create two surfaces one on top of another, the top surface I create a free-form surface so I can put waves into it if needed. This surface I make a Clear glass like surface with a little amount of tint in it. To this surface I also added a bump map or in the case of the software that I use, flamingo, a procedural bump map called “rubble” I then adjust that to get the effect I want. Putting the bump on the surface makes those Wonderful little wavelets that reflect their surroundings. The second surface I make a flat plane and position below the top surface at a distance/depth at about the keel line of the boat being rendered. This surface I colour in a shade of blue to suit what I need but it can be any colour at all. The beauty I find With this method is it allows light to penetrate to a depth below the water surface so that you can get shadowing and silhouettes below the water surface, by adjusting the depth of the second surface you can adjust the amount/depth of light penetration. Hope this helps.

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  3. Formshifter
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Formshifter Senior Designer

    Thanks a lot for this explanation,

    I suppose i can get the freeform surface as wild as i want ....

    I will give it a try these days. Sounds pretty simple and i suppose the effects are nice. Especially the shade effect sounds appealing.

    Thanks again

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